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Jason Evans
The Unbundling of Mobile Network Infrastructure Will Be a Generational Boon for Mobile Operators… if They Embrace It
While mobile operators have long utilized the partner concept of Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO’s) – allowing asset-light mobile operators to rent their network infrastructure and market plans to consumers – the traditional approach has often fallen short. At OXIO, we’ve built a platform that allows any brand who wants to package mobile access as…
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Connectivity Is Not a Luxury, It’s a Right. Why Everyone Deserves Access to the Digital World
Think about your day-to-day online experience. Are you streaming Netflix on your home Wi-Fi? Do you think twice before showing your friend a new Youtube clip. Maybe online access is the lifeline of your business. Or maybe it’s your lifeline, period. Think about what you do online—socializing with friends and family, keeping up with news…
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Representing Mobile Connectivity Consumption on the Stellar Blockchain
Mobile connectivity is not an object we can hold in our hands. It is a service provided by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) in the form of radio wave allocation, bandwidth and consumption over a defined period of time… Or at least this is the way it is currently being sold to consumers. OXIO’s vision is…
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What Purchasing Mobile Connectivity Is Like for Most People
OXIO wants to make mobile data cheaper for everyone. Furthermore, we want anyone in the world to be able to get connected at anytime. In Mexico for example, and just like in Columbia, Indonesia or most nations in the world, mobile internet is still far too expensive for the majority of the people. To better…
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Non-Fungible Tokens on the Stellar Blockchain
Blockchain solutions are democratizing currency creation. These “currencies” or “tokens” enable living economies around their associated product. In this economy, users are rewarded when they produce content or offer services on the product. For example, in the Filecoin ecosystem, users are rewarded Filecoin tokens when sharing personal disk space to store strangers’ files. These same users can…
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What We Are Building
For our first blog post, the team at OXIO wanted to talk about the platform we are building. We call it a mobile data connectivity exchange. “Quite a mouthful”, some might say. Let us unpack. We refer to mobile data connectivity as any technology that offers physically untethered information transfer. The most common example is…
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